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Welcome to our firm. Legal-Eagles is now partnering with Lisa Maye Grant to offer custom parole and commutation services.  Lisa belongs to many advocacy groups and is a big supporter of The package  includes but are not limited to a custom social bio of who the parole candidate was and who he is today. Comes complete with a color collage of photos, legal version of the case, a criminal extract of the candidates prior history, support letters, home plan referral and much more. Check out our product page for a visual of a custom color collage.

Writer's picturedavelusick19701

Alleged Predator Granny: A Life Ensnared By Virginia Sex Offender Registry.

Recent Denial of Appeal: Tammy Lawson's Ongoing Struggle for Justice

In the realm of legal battles, few narratives are as poignant as that of Tammy Lawson, whose life has been ensnared in the complexities of the justice system. Despite her unwavering innocence, Tammy's journey has been fraught with unjust consequences, the most recent being the denial of her appeal. see our previous May 31, 2023 Blog

Tammy's saga dates back to a series of unfortunate events, where she found herself wrongly implicated in a legal quagmire. Accused of failing to report a crime in a timely manner, Tammy became entangled in a web of unreliable evidence and questionable legal proceedings.

The recent denial of her appeal further exacerbates the injustice she continues to endure. Despite steadfast assertions of her innocence and the glaring lack of due process in her case, Tammy remains unjustly tethered to the Virginia Sex Registry, bearing the weight of societal stigma and enduring collateral consequences.

The ramifications of being wrongly placed on the sex registry are profound, extending far beyond the confines of the courtroom. Tammy's struggle for employment, housing, and the pursuit of happiness epitomizes the harrowing reality faced by individuals unjustly ensnared in a flawed system.

Virginia's zero-tolerance approach to sex offenses compounds Tammy's plight, with legislative amendments exacerbating the punitive measures faced by those on the registry. In the absence of legal recourse and the specter of lifetime registration, Tammy's fight for justice assumes even greater urgency.

Her story serves as a clarion call for reform within the sex offender registry system. The need for comprehensive reviews of cases, increased support for the wrongly accused, and fundamental reforms to investigative procedures cannot be overstated.

As advocates for fairness, justice, and the protection of innocent individuals, it is incumbent upon us to stand in solidarity with Tammy Lawson and others like her. Only through concerted efforts to rectify systemic injustices can we strive towards a society where true justice prevails.


020824 three-judge order aff'd 0901-23-3 Tammy.pdf


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Virginia has NO off-ramp when the Commonwealth makes a mistake. The system CANNOT admit to any of its own errors -- what else could it be when someone is labeled a 'violent sexual predator' when they have never been convicted of having ANY sex with a child??!!! It's asinine. Adding insult to injury occurs at the bottom of the judges' ruling: Tammie was fine $150 by the court for essentially bothering to ask the court to do the right thing. This is a disturbing trend -- fining pro se litigants for using the system for which the system was designed. The Virginia Appeals Court and the Virginia Supreme Court are known for always taking the easy way out and never…

Tammie Lawson
Tammie Lawson

Thank you Norman and your right there is a Tammie L Bill that would give power to Judges to make a ruling if we can find a sponsor currently Judges have no rule in their own court room!! The purpose of a public registry is useless and warrants more harm for families and children. I have lived this life going on 24 years State Police see me everyday 90 days I have to report where I work, where I travel, all social media accounts and email addresses and all for what?? A total waste of tax payers dollars it would make more sense to fund some of that money to children and families in need of services instead of followin…


Tammie Lawson
Tammie Lawson

This is another example of malicious prosecution and wrongful conviction and to charge me a 150.00 fine for filing an appeal and to not state why they think I owe them a damn penny. There is so many people suffering behind a registry that has proven to save no child from a sex crime. It hurts children over 200, 000 children are on a registry!! Almost anything sex related can get you on a registry. The courts are not concerned with the complaints or the wrongdoing they take no accountability for any wrongdoing they blame legislators for flawed laws. No family should be under such punishment. Smith v:s Doe has gotta go as the Great Civil Rights Attorney Jancie Belluci…


This is happening in 🇨🇦 on different levels as well. If you speak out for truth or justice, possibly have incriminating evidence- these practices are heavily imbedded in all govermental institutions.

The justice system is not showing what is truly taking place in many areas. I believe the systems need to become transparent to the public so all sides are represented equally.

‘Is this Justice’ 🪶

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