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The Hunt Conspiracy: Jeffrey Johnson's Journey Through Corruption and Redemption


In the heart of Philadelphia's Spring Garden area projects, an independent drug dealer named Jeffrey Johnson found himself ensnared in a web of corruption and deceit known as the Hunt Conspiracy. This notorious drug ring, involving the Cudjik brothers and corrupt Philadelphia detectives, led to decades-long prison sentences for Jeffrey and several co-defendants. This blog delves into Jeffrey's harrowing experience, the systemic corruption that tainted his case, and his eventual release under the First Step Act. We'll also explore Jeffrey's recent involvement with the Trump campaign and touch on the political climate, highlighted by the recent debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

The Hunt Conspiracy Unveiled

Jeffrey Johnson operated as an independent drug dealer in the Spring Garden area, distancing himself from larger criminal organizations. Despite this, he was implicated in the Hunt Conspiracy, a drug ring that brought severe consequences for those involved. The Philadelphia Inquirer exposed the Cudjik brothers, Philadelphia detectives notorious for their corrupt practices, which included robbing bodegas, assaulting drug dealers, and planting and stealing proceeds.

A Personal Injustice

During the investigation, Jeffrey Johnson experienced firsthand the brutality of these corrupt detectives. Struck with brass knuckles by the detectives, Jeffrey lost his front teeth, a physical and psychological scar that served as a grim reminder of the injustice he faced. Despite disputing his involvement in the conspiracy, Jeffrey was sentenced to 30 years in prison, alongside other co-defendants.

The First Step Act and Jeffrey’s Release

The First Step Act, a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill signed into law by President Donald Trump in 2018, provided a glimmer of hope for those like Jeffrey. The Act aimed to reduce sentences for certain non-violent offenders and improve prison conditions. Jeffrey applied for a sentence reduction under this Act and was released after serving 20 years. It's noteworthy that his application had been previously denied during the Obama administration, highlighting the shifting landscape of criminal justice reform.

Legal-Eagles and the Trump Campaign

Recently, Jeffrey Johnson, accompanied by Legal-Eagles, attended an event at Trump headquarters in Frankford, Philadelphia. Here, Jeffrey shared his testimony, highlighting the impact of the First Step Act on his life and expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to rebuild his life. His story resonated with local operatives, emphasizing the importance of continued reform in the criminal justice system.

The Political Climate: Trump vs. Biden

The political arena has been heating up, especially with the recent debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Pundits have widely regarded Biden's performance as a "train wreck," critiquing his handling of key issues and overall debate strategy. This event has further polarized opinions, with supporters on both sides using the debate to bolster their narratives.


Jeffrey Johnson's story is a poignant reminder of the pervasive corruption that can undermine justice and the potential for redemption through meaningful reform. As the political climate continues to evolve, stories like Jeffrey's underscore the necessity of vigilance, accountability, and advocacy for those caught in the crossfire of systemic corruption and injustice.

By sharing Jeffrey's journey, we hope to shed light on the complexities of the criminal justice system and inspire continued efforts toward reform, ensuring that justice is served fairly and equitably for all.


10-year-old story involved in Cujdik probe

Almost 10 years later, it's an investigative footnote, mentioned in passing in a few judicial opinions: a drug dealer's allegation that a young and relatively green Philadelphia narcotics officer was part of a group that stole $63,000 in cash during a search of his house.

  • by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Inquirer Staff Writer Published April 25, 2009, 3:01 a.m. ET

Almost 10 years later, it's an investigative footnote, mentioned in passing in a few judicial opinions: a drug dealer's allegation that a young and relatively green Philadelphia narcotics officer was part of a group that stole $63,000 in cash during a search of his house.

Reginald Harris' story has renewed currency today only because of the officer's name: Richard L. Cujdik, now on desk duty in what officials say is a result of the ongoing probe of the Philadelphia police Narcotics Field Unit.

Richard's brother Jeffrey is under investigation in the alleged falsification of information to obtain search warrants involving suspected drug dealers.

Though Harris' allegations are referred to publicly in the court opinions, the investigation's outcome remains in sealed files in federal court and the FBI offices in Philadelphia.


The information has surfaced in court opinions and briefs filed in an appeal by two convicted drug dealers, Jeffrey Johnson and James Phillips, each serving 30 years in prison.

Johnson's attorney, Jerry S. Goldman, said he hoped the new probe of allegations about the Cujdiks and some other members of the narcotics unit would result in a new trial for his client, now 40.

Richard Cujdik, 35, a 13-year police veteran, did not respond to requests for comment.

What is known is that the probe of Harris' allegations against Cujdik did not result in criminal charges. And, if there was any internal police discipline, it did not cast a cloud on Cujdik's car

Cujdik - son and brother of narcotics officers - continued to pile up bust after bust with the narcotics unit.

Then, this month, the federal-local probe that began in February with allegations involving Jeffrey Cujdik overtook Richard and fellow officer Robert McDonnell.

Police Internal Affairs officials have confirmed that they reassigned McDonnell and Richard Cujdik to desk duty and that the moves were linked to the investigation.

The significance of Harris' allegations against Richard Cujdik is difficult to gauge.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Frank R. Costello Jr., a career prosecutor who handled the Harris case, said he could not confirm or deny any investigation involving Cujdik.

Other current and former investigators involved in police-corruption investigations in the late 1990s also said they did not remember allegations against Cujdik. The current federal-local task force investigation began Feb. 9, after Jeffrey Cujdik's former paid confidential informant, Ventura Martinez, alleged in an interview that he and Cujdik made up some drug buys to justify search warrants for people Cujdik wanted to search and arrest.

As has his one-year-older brother, Jeffrey Cudjik has been silent, though his attorney, George Bochetto, has criticized reporters and investigators for lending credence to Martinez's word over that of a veteran narcotics officer.

That the investigation of Jeffrey Cujdik now involves his brother and other officers is not unusual. From the start, investigators said they would review searches and criminal cases of officers who worked closely with Jeffrey Cujdik, or whose names appeared in documentation, called an affidavit of probable cause, needed to get a judge to approve a police search.

Allegations of bogus affidavits, stolen money, illegal searches, and false testimony have plagued the Police Department's drug units for decades. Law enforcement veterans - and even some defense attorneys - concede that such allegations are inherent with the illicit drug trade.

Jeffrey Johnson was convicted in December 2000 of conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine and sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Johnson contended he was just a low-level independent dealer working the Spring Garden housing project in North Philadelphia. What linked Johnson to the much-larger Hunt cocaine ring was, in part, the testimony of Richard Cujdik, one of the arresting officers.

Cujdik, according to court records, testified that the crack-filled gelatin capsules, marked "357," that Johnson sold were trademarks of the Hunt organization and no other city drug ring.

After the verdict, Johnson's attorney criticized the convictions, maintaining that prosecutors withheld evidence that would have undercut Cujdik's and other officers' credibility.

Among the new evidence, according to court records, were memos and police and prosecutors' notes that - contrary to Cujdik's testimony - the marked gelatin capsules were not unique to the Hunt ring or its neighborhood.

Johnson also told of a conversation with his cellmate in the Federal Detention Center in Philadelphia - former narcotics officer Kenneth Spencer, himself awaiting sentencing for tipping off drug dealers about police raids - indicating that the drug unit "had a history of fabricating evidence."

And finally, there was Reginald Harris, 39, who alleged that when police searched his Frankford home on Jan. 11, 2000, they left with $63,000 in cash - not the $19,996 Cujdik reported was seized.

Defense lawyer Dennis J. Cogan, who represented Harris at the time, said Harris maintains that his money was taken. He said the FBI came to Harris and asked him to detail his assertions about police taking his money.

"That would suggest that they were already investigating something," Cogan said.

Cogan added that Harris already had pleaded guilty and was awaiting sentencing: "He didn't have a stake in this. ... It's not like he was going to get the money back."

After Harris' Feb. 6, 2002, FBI interview, Cogan said, he never heard back from agents or federal prosecutors. That's not unusual, Cogan said. Defense attorneys usually learn the outcome of an investigation only if someone is charged and prosecuted.

In 2005, U.S. District Judge Eduardo C. Robreno denied Johnson's and Phillips' motion for a new trial based on the newly discovered evidence. Robreno wrote that Johnson and Phillips had failed to pass the legal threshold required for success: that if the jury knew of the evidence at trial, it would have acquitted the pair.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit affirmed Robreno's ruling in September 2006.

Johnson remains in prison, serving his 30-year sentence and pressing his appeal.

Goldman said that too often, judges simply take a police officer's word when they sign and approve search warrants.

"The federal and state courts must be vigilant and make sure [police] testimony is truthful, because as a result of their testimony, men's and women's lives can be ruined," Goldman said.

Contact staff writer Joseph A. Slobodzian at 215-854-2985 or

Staff writers Barbara Boyer and Andrew Maykuth contributed to this article.

  • JA

  • Joseph A. Slobodzian, Inquirer Staff Writer

'Tainted' cop gets his job back

In a decision that Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey called "disappointing," an arbitrator on Wednesday moved to reinstate fired Philadelphia narcotics cop Jeffrey Cujdik.

Jeffrey Cujdik walks back to the Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia on January 27, 2009. ( David Maialetti / Staff Photographer )

IN A DECISION that Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey called "disappointing," an arbitrator on Wednesday moved to reinstate fired Philadelphia narcotics cop Jeffrey Cujdik.

Ramsey booted Cujdik from the force in May, following a long-running Internal Affairs investigation into allegations that the veteran cop lied on search warrants and had an inappropriate relationship with an informant - and then lied about both to investigators. The allegations were first unearthed in the 2009 Daily News series "Tainted Justice."

The series, based on interviews with dozens of victims, detailed incidents of misconduct among a group of undercover narcotics officers, including phony search-warrant applications, the looting of bodegas and even sexual assault.

The city has paid out at least $1.7 million to settle 33 lawsuits filed by bodega owners and two women who said they'd been assaulted by a member of Cujdik's squad.

Federal and local probes of the officers were triggered by the Pulitzer Prize-winning series.

Ramsey said Thursday that the arbitration hearing centered on whether he had just cause to fire Cudjik.

After hearing opening statements from city attorneys and lawyers for the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 5, the arbitrator made a recommendation: reinstate Cujdik, without giving him back pay, while ensuring that a 30-day suspension prior to his firing remain on his record.

"The rationale behind it, I'm told, was the age of the case, the fact that the District Attorney's Office and the U.S. Attorney's Office had declined prosecution, and the credibility of the witnesses in this case," Ramsey said.

"I had a conversation with the city's attorney, and her opinion was that we accept the arbitrator's recommendation," he said.

"It's disappointing, no question, but the reality is the city stood to lose not only the case, but pay [Cujdik] significant back pay."

The Daily News series, which began with the story that a longtime drug informant had accused Cujdik of lying on search warrant applications to gain access to suspected drug homes, led to the creation of an FBI-directed task force in 2009.

The probe mushroomed when the paper reported allegations that the squad took cash and merchandise from corner stores during raids. Some 22 merchants, from all four corners of the city, told the Daily News that the officers had sliced the wires to their surveillance cameras before they stole cash and merchandise. None of the merchants had criminal records. In one instance the Daily News acquired a video showing the officers cutting the wires to a surveillance camera.

But the FBI investigation ground on for five years. Investigators didn't interview some of the merchants. At least one store owner asked for a translator who never came. None were called to testify before a grand jury. Although no criminal charges were filed, five officers including Cujdik faced serious internal charges.

Internal Affairs found that Cujdik made "false entries into a departmental record or report and failed to comply with police rules and directives." He was charged with failing to maintain professional objectivity for renting a home to his longtime drug informant.

The investigation also found that Cujdik gave gifts, money, cigarettes and cellphones to informants.

FOP president John McNesby said Cujdik will soon return to the job - but not in a narcotics squad.

"He doesn't want to go back to narcotics, not that I blame him," McNesby said.

Cujdik will work in the 9th District, headquartered at 21st and Hamilton streets.

The union leader said Cujdik, a 17-year veteran of the force, is "elated, and his family is elated. It was a good present to give to somebody right before the holidays."

The victims of the rogue squad had a different view.

Danilo Burgos, past president of the Dominican Grocers' Association in Philadelphia, said he was outraged that Cujdik got his job back.

"It's disheartening and a big blow to the credibility of the system that is supposed to be protecting the citizens of Philadelphia," he said last night.

"It's so disheartening that with all the evidence they had, they were not able to take down a corrupt police officer and protect the people of this city."

"It's [also] a slap in the face to members of the Philadelphia Police Department who counted on them doing the right thing. There are a lot of really good police officers and they don't want this type of character within their ranks."

"I'm shocked and outraged but somehow not surprised," said attorney Daniel McGarrigle, who represented a Jordanian smoke shop merchant who told investigators that Cujdik's squad destroyed his surveillance cameras and stole money and merchandise.

The FOP's McNesby, however, long maintained that the narcotics officers - who spent five years on desk duty while the various investigations unfurled - had never done anything wrong.

Cujdik wasn't the only officer to be disciplined by Ramsey after the lengthy investigations ended.

Officers Thomas Tolstoy and Robert McDonnell Jr. were suspended for 30 days, and Cujdik's brother, Officer Richard Cujdik, was suspended for two.

A supervisor, Capt. Joe Bologna, was suspended for three days, as well.

Ramsey, who had been scheduled to testify as a witness at Cujdik's arbitration hearing, lamented the resolution.

"It is what it is," he said. "We just have to deal with it."

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