If your loved one has been judicially involved and is serving time chances are you or a family member have spent a good deal of money hiring lawyers to look over his case. Make no mistake, they are not cheap.
Anywhere from $5,000-$25,000 is par for the course. So how do you find an attorney to take on your case pro-bono, basically for free. This is no small task.
If you go on the internet or search you tube you will get stock videos that tell you are eligible for a public defender if your case is criminal. If it is civil you can contact a legal-aid organization in your area.
Neither of these two options are promising. According to the American Bar Association every lawyer should contribute fifty (50) hours a year or less than one (1) hour a week to pro bono work to improve the quality of the justice system.
I have spoken to criminal defense lawyers who simply snicker at this rule. Now some of the big firms have a pro-bono department. They like to take cases that are well publicized in the media or cases they can use as training for younger lawyers at the firm.
Legal-Eagles has compiled a book of attorneys, law school professors, advocacy organizations and non-profits, as well as attorneys who offer reduced fees to take on cases.
Our advice is to contact the lawyers and explain your loved ones situation. If they are uninterested, ask them for a referral. Most of the lawyers have been screened by Legal-Eagles.
The more information you can provide them in your case the better. A proper presentation of the facts and issues is always helpful. The book contains biographical resumes. Paralegals and investigators. Tips and tricks for raising issues on appeal.